Brush Rabbit

A place for Art, Design, Vintage and Handcrafted items.

Brush Rabbit began as a unreal conversation had over hot coffee, poached eggs and a lightly toasted Panini. It was the idea to combine everything that artists love and need when constructing the atmosphere for the practice of art, as well as its formation. And of course, as I believe that we are all artist in our own way, this concept was going to have very little restriction on what was to be included under such a heading.

There were however, a few musts in our mind that we believed were necessary for a bit of creative inspiration. One; Back Tea, White tea, Herbal tea, Green tea! Where would our spark of creative genius be without a hot cup to warm your hands and stare off into the distance over. Two, a bit of paper, a quirky drawing instrument and an old book, and yes, I know that’s three but honestly, you cant have one of these without the other. Three; vintage things, nothing gets my creative flair going like a few, not quite perfect, but infinitely more interesting vintage items. Four; Swedish design, Japanese design, Australian design etc. And I apologize to my fellow designers for putting Australian design last, but please, blame my mother for teaching me to put others before myself.

And who are we, well, ‘we’ includes, with abundant gratitude, absolutely everyone who I have talked to about this idea, everyone who has said “and you could include” and “what about this” and “ you could do that” and “I’ll give you a hand with those” etc. But especially my Husband and Family who continue to give such magnificent support and assistance. Which really just leaves the question “who am I”, well if you ask my amazing parents, that’s a deceptively complex question, but to answer it in its basic form, I’m Bec.
